Episode 16 - “How Empowered Women Empower Women” with Jane Finette

Jane is the Founder and Executive Director of The Coaching Fellowship, a leadership development program designed for women leading efforts for positive social impact. This organization offers individual coaching and opportunities for connection with empowered women leaders worldwide, an important building block for cultivating strong leaders who care: care for the environment, care for the greater good of the community, and care for one another deeply. In addition, Jane has recently released a new book, “Unlocked, How Empowered Women Empower Women”, which includes short stories that highlight impactful female leaders working to propel women and girls forward. In telling their stories, Jane shows how these pioneers are creating lasting change and how we can apply their trailblazing lessons to our own lives. This book was written during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, where it is said (according to the World Economic Forum), women lost 36 years of progress in 2020 in terms of gender equality in the workplace, due to the pandemic. That is an entire generation of progress lost. There is work to do and Jane helps us understand what we can do to support prosperous growth for all.


Episode 15 - “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” with Reisa Babic


Episode 17 - “Partners in Ending Racism and Engaged Mindfulness” with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski